New Brows, Who Dis?
We want you to love the results of your permanent makeup, so it's essential to follow these instructions carefully. Failure to do so could result in discoloration, pigment loss, scarring, or infections in your treated area. It is not advisable to experiment with new products around your treated area at this time as we wish to avoid any complications or allergic reactions.
List of those who are NOT eligible for
cosmetic tattoo services:
Under the age of 18
Must not be pregnant
Taking immunosuppression medication/have been diagnosed with an immune disorder
Taking blood thinning medication
At high risk of infection
Have taken antibiotics in the past 30 days
Have had peels/laser/micro needling within the past four weeks
Have taken Accutane in the past year
Taking krill oil | fish oil
Have had laser resurfacing in the past year
Skin irritations or psoriasis/eczema near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc)
Botox in the past 2 weeks
Auto immune diseases
Thyroid disturbances
Patients on blood thinners.
Do not perform electrolysis one week before procedure
Avoiding tanning two weeks prior or have sunburned face
Do not have any type of facial/peel 2 weeks prior to treatment
Discontinue Vitamin A/Retinol products one week prior to treatment
Do not work out the day of the procedure.
Do not have Botox 3 weeks prior & or 3 weeks after.
No alcohol consumption 48 hours prior to appointment.
No caffeine (coffee and or tea) day of procedure.
Avoid having procedure done when you are on your menstrual cycle.
Please Note: You will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.
May require additional Touch-up session to achieve desired result.
Your eyebrows will go through several phases during the healing cycle.
Protect the longevity of your new brows. Once completely healed, always apply a layer of sunscreen SPF 30 up to SPF 50 on your eyebrows when exposed to the sun. Sun exposure might cause the color pigment to fade away more quickly.
When using foundation, be aware when applying to avoid your healed eyebrows. If foundation covers healed brows, your eyebrows will appear lighter. Use a cotton swab and remove makeup from brows.
If you have any unexpected problems with the healing of the skin, please contact your artist immediately, to discuss further instructions.
Contact a physician if any signs or symptoms develop such as the following: fever, redness at the site, swelling, tenderness of the procedure site, elevated body temperature, cold sores, red streaks going from the procedure site towards the heart, and/or any green/yellow discharge that is foul in odor.

When submitting previous work completed by another artist, please ensure that any photos are clear and taken in good lighting. It's important that the brows are free of makeup and no filter is applied.
Please note that if you book an appointment without disclosing your previous cosmetic tattoo work or obtaining approval, your deposit will be forfeited and your appointment will be cancelled. We apologize, but there are no exceptions to this rule.
If you are deemed eligible, we will send you a private booking link via text or email for the Coverup | Correction service.
Send photos via text to 425.890.2220

After Care
Proper Care for Your New Eyebrow Tattoo
Day 1:
During the first 24 hours, it is crucial to avoid heavy scabbing on the treated area. To do this, use a damp paper towel to blot and press your brows every few hours for 30 seconds. This process will remove lymphatic drainage, oil, and blood.
Day 2-10 (until brows are completely healed):
To avoid infections, gently wash the treated area twice a day with mild, antibacterial, and fragrance-free soap.
Dilute the soap and rinse gently; do not wipe.
Pat dry with a clean paper towel and let the area air dry for 10-15 minutes.
If you experience any unexpected issues during the skin healing process, please contact your artist right away for further instructions.
*If you develop any of these symptoms, such as fever, redness, swelling, tenderness, elevated body temperature, red streaks going from the procedure site towards the heart, or any green/yellow discharge that is foul in odor, contact a physician immediately.*
Healing Process
Your eyebrows will go through several phases during the healing cycle.
Days 1-4:
The pigment will appear very sharp and dark. This is because the pigment is still sitting on top of your skin, and has not yet settled in completely. The color of the pigment will soften gradually. Do not be alarmed if you see some pigment on the cotton swab, as this is excess pigment and/or body fluid that is naturally exiting your skin.
Days 5-7:
Once the healing of the skin starts taking place, it will look like dandruff flakes or dry skin. This might give you the impression that the pigment is fading too quickly, however, this is just superficial color and dry skin being naturally removed from your eyebrows.
Days 8-12:
Your brows may look as though the pigment has completely faded – do not panic – take a deep breath and trust the process.
Days 14-28:
Your brows may still look a little patchy or uneven, but the pigment will start to “reappear” as the pigment settles and the healing continues.
You may get your touch-up/ perfecting procedure done at the 8-11 week point NO SOONER to allow for complete healing of the brows.

Special Attention
Here are some important reminders to ensure that your skin recovers quickly and safely after a procedure:
• Don't pick at scabs or dry skin, as it can lead to scarring or loss of color
• Avoid facials, botox, chemical treatments or microdermabrasion for at least four weeks
• Refrain from doing any hot, sweaty exercises for a week
• Stay out of direct sunlight or tanning beds for four weeks, and wear a hat when outside
• Don't take long, hot showers or engage in activities that lead to heavy sweating for the first ten days
• Stay away from swimming, lakes, and hot tubs for the first ten days
• Don't apply any topical makeup, including sunscreen, to the treated area
• Lastly, be sure to avoid rubbing, picking, or scratching the treated area.
• Use a clean pillowcase to avoid irritation
• Try not to sleep on your face during the first ten days
Long Term Care of your Brows
Tips for Maintaining the Longevity of Your New Eyebrows
After your brows have fully healed, it's vital to protect them from the sun by applying sunscreen with an SPF ranging from 30 to 50. Sun exposure can cause the color pigment to fade more quickly.
While applying foundation, be mindful of your healed brows. If foundation covers the treated area, your brows will appear lighter. Use a cotton swab to remove makeup from your brows.